Blitz (18/640)

Date:11 Aug 99 at 07:09:12
Subject:Re: Mui-Prefs

>I would like to know if it's possible to call the MUI-Prefs prog from your
>blitz-compiled prog. Preferably with an example, if someone can do that.
>Just a small prog which opens say a window with a couple of gadgets
>with a NListview and a menu item, which when selected calls the MUI prefs
>prog, so that you can save the settings for your progr.
>Anyone know how?

At the beginning of your program, you must have :
If MUICreateApplication <> True Then End
MUIApplicationObj FApp
MUIOpenWindow FPri

with FApp the number of the application according to MUI and FPri the number
of the window from which you call the MUIPrefs

On an event (connected to a gadget) just call the following code:

MUIDoMethod FApp, #MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow, MUIObjLoc(FPri)


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